Still the mother of all dances. The Waltz has been used in Country Western as far back as you can trace music. Contemporary Country Waltz is normally played at a quick pace although some artists still like them slow; whatever the tempo the Waltz is sure to play an important part in your dancing repertoire.
Line Dancing Lessons
A choreographed series of steps performed by a group of dancers assembled inline, which involves a variety of walking, kicking, swiveling or turning movements done in unison to a many different recordings, each song having its own unique patterns. Line Dancing has become a part of all types of social gatherings sometimes with the help of a DJ’s direction. It started in the late 1970’s after Saturday Night Fever disco line dancing became popular. Additionally, it was great for people without partners. Line Dancing is performed by individuals, groups or “dance teams” and is danced all over the world. Some of the more popular line dances used at parties in recent times are: the “Chicken Dance”, “New York, New York”, the “Electric Side” and the “Cotton-eyed Joe”. The most recent addition to this list is the “Macarena”.
Country Western Dancing Is More Than Just Lines
While line dancing and two-stepping are probably the most famous to most beginners, the wide variety of country dances in our classes will keep your toes tapping with new and entertaining moves each week.
Tackle The Popular Country Dances First
That means, of course, the two-step and line dancing. In our weekly classes, you’ll have the opportunity to tackle both single dances, like the “Cotton-Eyed Joe” line dance, as well as partnered two-steps. Did you know that the two-step has three different, distinct styles? You’ll learn all three–the two-step, Texas two-step, and the Progressive two-step—in our classes!
Mix It Up With Some Fusion Dances
You may not expect to hear “latin” and “country” in the same sentences, but some of our most popular dances owe their rhythm to the latin world. The three step is one of those fusion dances that mixes the best of both of these musical worlds. You’ll also learn a fusion swing called the Shuffle or the Traveling Swing, along with the standard swing.
Stick With Some Old Standards
But the heart of country western dancing is a few of the old dance standards—namely the waltz and the polka. Both dances have anchored ballroom dancing for more than a century, and have spawned a few variations that we cover in our classes. Exploring the depth of this fun genre is part of the joy of these weekly classes. You’ll work on your rhythm, find some new steps, and love your newly acquired fitness plan! Come join us at Arthur Murray Austin!
Cotton-eyed Joe
This is a Country Western dance enjoyed throughout the United States and elsewhere for its enthusiastic music and energetic movements. Characteristic movements include kicks, stomps, shuffles, and turns in place or traveling around the room. The man and the lady generally are in shadow position, and they use the same foot on the same beat of music throughout their patterns.
Sometimes called the Double Two Step or the Travelling Swing, the Shuffle is a combination of the Two Step & the popular East Coast Swing. This makes the Shuffle a very versatile dance, allowing a mix and match of patterns which can result in some exciting variations.
Today’s Country Western music has a lot of crossover from Pop & Rock, which has helped to make it more “mainstream music.” Country Western Swing is a fast, upbeat dance with lots of turns & spins to compliment this “pop” Country sound. Give it a whirl…you’ll love it.
The old-fashioned name is Polka, but the dance basically remains the same. Triple or Polka is a fun & lively dance that has been given quite an uplift with Country Western dancing. The many styles and variations also give us the Line Dances or Shadow Dances of Cotton-Eyed Joe and Ten Step.
Three Step
Many Country Western song writers & composers use a unique Latin sounding rhythm as a basis of many popular tunes. The Three Step, with its subtle hip action and small movements, is the perfect dance for this Country/Latin fusion sound.
A dance similar to the Polka. It is characterized by the clapping of hands after having taken three hopping steps. It is written in 4/4 time.
This dance was introduced to society in 1844. Every now and then it is revived because of its boisterous charm. It was supposed to have been originally created by a Bohemian girl. The basic step consists of a preparatory hop followed by a chasse done first to the left then to the right. Curiously enough, it reappeared in the 1940’s in the Cha Cha as one of the more popular steps. Still danced quite often throughout the country with particular popularity in the German and Hispanic communities.